Pollutants and Waste

    We are dedicated to adhering to stringent air regulations, and advancing initiatives to reduce air pollutants, thereby improving air quality. Furthermore, we are meticulously managing chemical substances, hazardous waste, and soil contamination to minimize their environmental impact.

    Air Pollutants

    We adhere to various regulations, including the Total Air Pollutant Emissions Management System and the Seasonal Fine Dust Management System, and engage in numerous activities aimed at improving air quality by mitigating fine dust generation. We have designated total air pollutant emissions as a KPI, and systematically monitor the execution of our goals and detailed plans. Furthermore, we are committed to reducing airborne pollutants through enhancements to our control facilities.
    Installation of Blast Furnace Dust Collector Breathers
    Blast furnaces, which operate continuously for 15 years without shutting down, require parts replacement and repairs every two months. During these maintenance periods, the supply of hot air (blast) to the furnace is temporarily stopped (blowdown) and then restarted (blow-in). For safety, the top breather is opened to release residual gases from the furnace. In 2022, we installed dust collector breathers on all eight blast furnaces (three in Pohang, five in Gwangyang) to treat residual gases during these maintenance processes, reducing pollutants by approximately 90%. These breathers are now used during blowdown and blow-in to minimize pollutant emissions.
    Schematic of Blast Furnace Breather Equipment
    Enhancing the Efficiency of Air Pollutant Reduction Equipment
    POSCO operates numerous systems to reduce nitrogen oxides (NOx) using De-NOx equipment, treat sulfur oxides (SOx) using De-SOx equipment, and collect dust. Due to stricter regulations, there has been an increasing trend in power consumption and chemical usage, necessitating improvements. To address it, POSCO has initiated projects focused on optimizing combustion and reducing air leakage in De-NOx equipment, aiming to reduce energy consumption and optimize operations to minimize energy usage while effectively lowering air pollutant emissions.
    • Sulfur Oxides (SOx): Since 2004, we have been proactively installing activated carbon adsorption equipment and sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) De-SOx equipment at our sinter plants, which are primary sources of SOx emissions. Recently, efforts have been made to further reduce SOx emissions by improving the efficiency of existing De-SOx equipment and enhancing the quality of off-gas (improving H2S removal efficiency).
    • Nitrogen Oxides (NOx): To mitigate nitrogen oxides from their point of origin, we are upgrading existing burners in combustion facilities to low NOx burners. Additionally, we are managing emissions closely by utilizing SCR1), and SNCR2)) technologies at major emission sources, including sintering, power generation, and rolling processes

    1)SCR: Selective Catalytic Reduction

    2)SNCR: Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction

    Sintered Flue Gas Cleaning Facility Process Diagram
    Fugitive Dust Reduction
    We are committed to reducing fugitive dust to enhance the living conditions of residents near our steelworks. To prevent fugitive dust at its source during facility operations, we operate over 1,500 dust collectors across both steelworks. For open yards, we are working on yard enclosures, taking into account the characteristics of fuel and raw materials and operational efficiency. Until the enclosures are complete, we are strengthening fugitive dust reduction measures such as dust covers and automatic watering.
    • Silo
    • Automatic Watering
    • Dust Covers

    Chemical Substances

    Chemical Substance Registration and Management System

    In compliance with strengthened chemical substance management standards, we systematically manage chemical substances. Under the “Act on the Registration and Evaluation of Chemical Substances,” we have successfully registered 131 types of manufactured and imported chemical substances that each have an annual handling amount of over 1,000 tons. Furthermore, we plan to register and manage complex chemical substances, such as blast furnace slag and other chemical substances with an annual handling amount of less than 1,000 tons by the legal deadline.

    If unauthorized hazardous chemical substances are detected, we block their entry and collaborate with suppliers to switch to non-hazardous chemical substances. If conversion is not feasible, we obtain government approval to handle them with appropriate disaster prevention equipment and facilities, including facility improvement and the use of protective equipment. We apply worker exposure standards that are stricter than legal requirements to manage the work environment and minimize worker exposure. Since 2022, we have implemented an in-house banned chemical substances policy, replacing them with low-toxicity products to reduce chemical exposure to workers and the environment.

    To ensure systematic management of chemical substance handling sites, we have been operating a monitoring system since 2016 that tracks the entire distribution process, from the entry stage to the usage stage, of chemical substances. For vehicles transporting chemical substances, we have implemented a tracking system that allows for immediate location identification and damage minimization in case of an accident. Additionally, we are enhancing on-site chemical substance management by improving facilities to meet strict standards and installing leak detection systems.

    • Chemical Substance Transportation Monitoring System
    • Chemical Substance Equipment Leak Detection System
    Chemical Accident Prevention and Response System
    We are making comprehensive efforts to prevent chemical accidents. An emergency response system has been established to ensure the safety of hazardous chemical substance handling facilities and to minimize damage in the event of an accident. Employees receive chemical accident response and safety training to enhance their response capabilities. Managing departments for chemical substances have been established at both steelworks, with over 50 chemical substance managers appointed at each site to ensure responsible management practices. We are improving our early response capabilities by operating the safety and disaster prevention center, which is equipped with specialized disaster prevention vehicles and staffed with professional personnel. Regular joint public-private training and in-house fire drills further strengthen our ability to respond to accidents. Moreover, we serve as the leading company in the chemical safety community, supporting chemical safety for SMEs and actively participating in the local government chemical safety committee.
    • Specialized disaster prevention vehicle for chemical substances
    • Joint public-private training
    Supply Chain Chemical Substance Management
    In collaboration with our supply chain, we are enhancing the handling standards for chemical substance management, emphasizing safe distribution and handling practices. We are also integrating innovative technologies and developing new approaches to ensure compliance with relevant regulations. For each production material, we issue an environmental hazardous substances test report and make it available to external stakeholders via the electronic transaction system (E-Sales).

    Designated Waste

    According to the Enforcement Rule of the Waste Control Act, waste containing hazardous substances are classified as ‘Designated Waste.’ POSCO manages designated waste, and all handling records are monitored through the Ministry of Environment’s electronic information processing program (Allbaro System).
    Non-compliance with legal standards results in fines under the Waste Control Act. However, in 2023, POSCO processed all designated waste in full compliance with regulations, without any violations. Additionally, POSCO is continuously exploring new uses to minimize the generation of designated waste. In 2023, the proportion of designated waste to total waste remained at 0.56%.
    POSCO Designated Waste by Year
    (Unit: %)

    3)Following the amendment of the Waste control Act in 2022, some general has been reclassified as designated waste.

    4)According to the Enforcement Rule of the Waste Control Act in 2023, some general waste has been classified as designated waste.

    Soil Contamination

    In accordance with the Soil Environment Conservation Act, facilities involved in the manufacturing and storage of petroleum products are designated as Soil Contamination Control Facilities and are subject to regular soil contamination inspections.