
Board of Directors

Although POSCO is an unlisted company, it strives to establish an advanced governance structure by appointing non-executive directors as stipulated in Article 26 (Number of Directors) of the POSCO Articles of Incorporation. The Board of Directors manages two specialized committees, each chaired by a non-executive director: the ESG Committee and the Audit Committee.

Composition of the Board of Directors

As of the end of May 2024, the Board of Directors is comprised of four executive directors and two non-executive directors. Directors are elected in compliance with the procedures outlined by legal regulations and the company’s Articles of Incorporation during the General Meeting of Shareholders. The appointment of directors with expertise and experience has bolstered the transparency and independence of the Board’s decision-making process.
Category Name Specialty Major Career Term
Inside Directors Si-woo Lee Overall Management (Technology, Production) Current) CEO and President of POSCO Former) Head of Steel Production & Technology Division, MBA from POSTECH Mar 2022 - Mar 2025 (Reappointed Mar 2024)
Baek-hee Lee Safety, Environment Current) Head of HSE Division (Vice President) Former) Head of Pohang Steelworks (Vice President), Master’s in Steel from POSTECH Mar 2024 - Mar 2025
Young-jung Kim Marketing, Trade Current) Head of Marketing Division (Vice President) Former) Head of Steel Team at POSCO Holdings (Managing Director)
Bachelor’s in Metallurgical Engineering from Pusan National University
Mar 2023 - Mar 2025
(Reappointed Mar 2024)
Hyung-soo Lee Finance, Strategy Current) Head of Corporate Planning Division (Managing Director)
Former) Head of Corporate Planning Office at POSCO Future M (Managing Director) MBA from POSTECH
Apr 2024 - Mar 2025
Outside Directors Jae-hwan Park Finance, Accounting Current) Professor at Chung-Ang University School of Business Administration
Current) Vice President of the Korean Accounting Association
PhD in Business Administration from Korea University
Mar 2022 - Mar 2025
Min-ho Lee Environment Current) Head of ESG Research Center at Yulchon LLC, PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Delaware, USA Mar 2022 - Mar 2025
Non-executive Directors Sung-lae Chun Steel Strategy, Carbon Neutrality Current) Head of Carbon Neutrality Team(Senior Executive Vice President), POSCO HOLDINGS
Former) Representative President of POSCO-Maharashtra(Senior Executive Vice President)
Bachelor's in Trade from Kyungpook National University
Sep 2024 - Mar 2025

Operation of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors has implemented operating regulations to delineate its authority, responsibilities, and procedures. Regular board meetings are scheduled to be held seven times annually. However, if urgent matters arise, extraordinary meetings can be convened. Meetings are called, conducted, and chaired by the chairperson and require the attendance of a majority of the directors to be constituted. Matters discussed by the Board of Directors are resolved with the approval of the majority of the attending directors and are meticulously recorded and managed in the minutes. In 2023, the Board held a total of seven regular meetings, achieving a 100% attendance rate for non-executive directors.

Independence and Expertise of the Board of Directors

Although POSCO is an unlisted company, it has appointed non-executive directors to ensure a transparent and advanced governance structure. The non-executive directors are chosen from a broad range of sectors, including industry, finance, academia, law, and the public sector. They are selected based on their extensive experience and expertise, contributing to balanced and rational decision-making by the management, without bias towards any specific field.

To enhance the expertise in decision-making, POSCO has conducted comprehensive briefings for the appointed non-executive directors. These briefings cover an overall company overview, steelworks inspections, and important strategies and issues related to carbon, safety, and the environment.
Furthermore, POSCO operates the ESG Committee and the Audit Committee under the Board of Directors, each chaired by a non-executive director. These specialized committees enable the Board to independently review and make decisions on critical company matters. The ESG Committee includes an environmental expert, while the Audit Committee features experts proficient in the industrial and financial sectors, thereby enhancing their expertise. In 2023, the ESG Committee convened five times, and the Audit Committee convened seven times.

Category ESG Committee Audit Committee
Composition Chair: Min-ho Lee
Non-executive Director: Jae-hwan Park
Executive Director: Baek-hee Lee
Executive Director: Hyung-soo Lee
Chair: Jae-hwan Park
Non-executive Director: Min-ho Lee
Executive Director: Young-jung Kim
Main Roles • Reviewing environmental and low carbon policies
• Preliminary review of safety and health plans
• Monitoring ESG-related implementation
• Auditing directors’ execution of duties
• Appointing external auditors
• Checking internal accounting

Board Compensation Policy

In line with the Board’s operating regulations, all non-executive directors are authorized to evaluate the activities of the Board and its specialized committees. Compensation for the Board is determined within the limits approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders, in accordance with Article 388 of the Commercial Act and the company’s Articles of Incorporation.

The CEO of POSCO’s compensation is determined based on the criteria established by the Board of Directors. The base salary is disbursed monthly, calculated as one-twelfth of the annual total base amount, taking into account the position, delegated duties, and role responsibilities. The performance bonus is paid in two installments annually (in July and February of the following year) and is derived from a comprehensive evaluation. This evaluation includes a quantitative assessment of financial performance for the fiscal year and a qualitative assessment of key management activities, such as ESG performance.