
E (Environmental)


Domestic Worksites

Financial and Production Information

Financial and Production Information Unit 2021 2022 2023
Sales (KRW) KRW, million 39,920,201 35,152,3581) 38,971,567
Sales (USD) 2) USD, millions 33,674 27,738 30,225
Crude steel produced kt 38,263 34,219 35,682
Blast furnace/converter kt 36,907 33,255 34,625
Electric arc furnace kt 1,356 964 1,057
Percentage from blast furnace/converter % 96.5 97.2 97.03
Percentage from electric arc furnace % 3.5 2.8 2.96
Main raw material consumed
Iron ore Mt 55.6 49.1 50.3
Metallurgical coal Mt 25.4 22.7 23.2
Limestone Mt 6.9 5.5 5.5
1)Established through split-off from POSCO Holdings on March 1, 2022, and its 2022 sales span 10 months between March and December
2)Data converted into USD were illustrated for global stakeholders, and such data were calculated using the exchange rate as of the last day of each fiscal year.
(2021: USD 1 = KRW 1,185.5, 2022: USD 1 = KRW 1,267.3, 2023: USD 1 = KRW 1,289.4)

GHG Emissions

GHG Emissions Unit 2021 2022 2023
Direct/indirect emissions (Scope 1&2)1) tCO2e 78,490,212 70,185,623 71,971,900
Direct emissions (Scope1) tCO2e 77,101,095 68,305,993 70,588,012
Indirect emissions (Scope2) tCO2e 1,389,117 1,879,630 1,383,895
Direct/indirect emissions intensity (based on crude steel production, Scope 1&2) tCO2e/ton 2.05 2.05 2.02
Other indirect emissions (Scope 3) 2) tCO2e 12,872,905 7,107,502 7,419,787
Other indirect emissions (Scope 3, upstream) tCO2e 5,038,027 4,570,474 5,229,508
Purchased goods & services tCO2e 3,422,572 2,583,823 2,764,127
Capital goods tCO2e - 857 563
Fuel and energy-related activities not included in Scope 1&2 tCO2e - 298,540 334,942
Transportation of raw and subsidiary materials tCO2e 1,605,907 1,537,143 1,926,052
Waste generated in operations tCO2e - 141,520 195,608
Business travel tCO2e 174 346 486
Employee commuting tCO2e 9,374 8,245 7,730
Other indirect emissions (Scope 3, downstream) tCO2e 7,834,878 2,537,028 2,190,279
Downstream transportation & distribution tCO2e - 489,786 26,936
Downstream leased assets tCO2e 2,087,193 1,888,240 1,974,893
Downstream investments tCO2e 5,747,685 159,002 188,450
1)The total of direct and indirect emissions is derived by truncating decimal points from each worksite’s direct and indirect emissions (Scope 1 & 2), which may result in discrepancies
2)The calculation boundaries for all categories are restricted to Pohang and Gwangyang Steelworks
This is limited to purchased raw materials that have the most direct impact on steel production among purchased products (including iron ore, coal, and limestone, which together account for over 90% of usage).
Calculated based on assets acquired by POSCO in 2023, including steel mill equipment and vehicles
Emissions are calculated using the carbon footprint from the energy used by the steelworks
④ ⑧ Emissions from transportation of certain sold products, based on the terms of delivery (cost of freight), have been reclassified (downstream → upstream)
Calculated based on commissioned waste from worksites, utilizing data from the government’s waste management system ‘Allbaro Sys.’
⑥ ⑦  Calculated from the business travel and commuting data of employees at Pohang and Gwangyang Steelworks
Calculated from the Scope 1 & 2 emissions of the lime calcination plant leased by POSCO FUTURE M among leased assets
Increase compared to the previous year is due to the inclusion of emissions data from other investment companies


Energy1) Unit 2021 2022 2023
Total energy consumed GJ 380,052,800 333,781,599 354,002,733
Energy directly consumed GJ 369,264,360 319,078,303 342,940,165
Natural gas GJ 41,270,222 30,750,384 45,697,279
Renewable fuel GJ 0 0 0
Kerosene GJ 0 0 2,643
Gasoline (total) GJ 4,587 6,249 5,569
Gasoline (for vehicles) GJ 4,587 6,249 5,569
Diesel (total) GJ 189,168 218,348 189,682
Diesel (for vehicles) GJ 185,423 195,695 184,969
LPG(total) GJ 34 30 0
LPG(for vehicles) GJ 34 30 0
Off-gas GJ 327,800,350 288,103,292 294,493,858
Propane GJ 0 0 5,377
Other fuels GJ 0 0 2,545,757
Energy indirectly consumed GJ 10,788,169 14,703,073 11,058,453
Electricity GJ 10,746,994 14,618,973 10,834,095
Steam GJ 41,175 84,100 224,358
Percentage of electricity consumed % 2.8 4.4 3.1
Renewable energy consumed 2) GJ 270 223 4,116
Percentage of renewable energy consumed % 0.00007 0.00007 0.00116
Total energy intensity (based on crude steel production) GJ/ton 9.9 9.8 9.9
Electricity sold 3) GJ 13,840 8,671 4,338
1)The energy consumption for 2021 and 2022 is limited to the Pohang/Gwangyang Steelworks, while the energy consumption for 2023 is on a company-wide basis. Total energy consumption includes K-ETS-based energy consumption and self-generated renewable energy consumption.
2)For 2021 and 2022, renewable energy consumption is limited to self-generated renewable energy consumption. For 2023, renewable energy consumption includes certified renewable energy consumption (purchased renewable energy and self-generated renewable energy consumption)
3)Applies only to renewable energy sales

Water (Overall)

Water (Overall) Unit 2021 2022 2023
Total water withdrawal ton 143,218,271 145,115,608 153,645,403
Municipal water supply ton 0 0 0
Surface water ton 100,116,109 108,957,548 115,497,855
Groundwater ton 6,298,260 3,451,420 4,154,290
Desalinated water ton 7,390,041 3,608,003 5,044,618
Treated municipal wastewater ton 29,413,861 29,098,637 28,948,640
Total water withdrawn from regions with ‘High’ baseline water stress ton 0 0 79,009,396
Total water withdrawn from regions with ‘Extremely High’ baseline water stress ton 0 0 0
Percentage of water withdrawn from regions with ‘High’ and ‘Extremely High’ baseline water stress % 0 0 51.42
Total water withdrawn intensity (based on crude steel production) ton/ton 3.7 4.2 4.3
Total water consumed ton 68,353,529 73,375,512 72,416,383
Total water withdrawn from regions with ‘High’ baseline water stress ton 0 0 35,888,873
Total water withdrawn from regions with ‘Extremely High’ baseline water stress ton 0 0 0
Percentage of water withdrawn from regions with ‘High’ and ‘Extremely High’ baseline water stress % 0 0 49.56
Total wastewater discharge ton 74,864,742 71,740,096 81,229,020
Reused wastewater ton 47,804,712 44,625,210 40,390,660
Percentage of reused wastewater 1) % 25.0 23.5 20.8
Number of worksites using recycled water Count 2 2 2
TOC (Total Organic Carbon) 2) ton - 96 291
T-N ton 948 685 671
SS ton 169 135 137
1) Data adjustment for 2021 and 2022 due to formula change
2) Measurements began in 2022, following the transition of the Ministry of Environment’s metric for measuring organic substances in water pollutants to TOC. The 2022 performance data is limited to Gwangyang

Water (Pohang)

Water (Pohang) 단위 2021 2022 2023
Total water withdrawal ton - - 69,591,389
Municipal water supply ton - - -
Surface water ton - - 36,488,459
Groundwater ton - - 4,154,290
Desalinated water ton - - -
Treated municipal wastewater ton - - 28,948,640
Total water withdrawn from regions with ‘High’ baseline water stress ton - - -
Total water withdrawn from regions with ‘Extremely High’ baseline water stress ton - - -
Percentage of water withdrawn from regions with ‘High’ and ‘Extremely High’ baseline water stress % - - -
Total water withdrawn intensity (based on crude steel production) ton/ton - - 4.8
Total water consumed ton - - 34,235,266
Total water withdrawn from regions with ‘High’ baseline water stress ton - - -
Total water withdrawn from regions with ‘Extremely High’ baseline water stress ton - - -
Percentage of water withdrawn from regions with ‘High’ and ‘Extremely High’ baseline water stress % - - -
Reused wastewater ton - - 19,516,566
Percentage of reused wastewater % - - 21.9

Water (Gwangyang)

Water (Gwangyang) 단위 2021 2022 2023
Total water withdrawal ton - - 84,054,014
Municipal water supply ton - - -
Surface water ton - - 79,009,396
Groundwater ton - - -
Desalinated water ton - - 5,044,618
Treated municipal wastewater ton - - -
Total water withdrawn from regions with ‘High’ baseline water stress ton - - 84,054,014
Total water withdrawn from regions with ‘Extremely High’ baseline water stress ton - - -
Percentage of water withdrawn from regions with ‘High’ and ‘Extremely High’ baseline water stress % - - 100
Total water withdrawn intensity (based on crude steel production) ton/ton - - 4.0
Total water consumed ton - - 38,181,117
Total water withdrawn from regions with ‘High’ baseline water stress ton - - 35,888,873
Total water withdrawn from regions with ‘Extremely High’ baseline water stress ton - - -
Percentage of water withdrawn from regions with ‘High’ and ‘Extremely High’ baseline water stress % - - 94.0
Reused wastewater ton - - 20,874,094
Percentage of reused wastewater % - - 19.9


Waste Unit 2021 2022 2023
Total waste generated ton 21,806,614 19,116,670 19,523,945
Recycled ton 21,509,991 18,787,137 19,242,974
Incinerated ton 60,302 62,031 52,034
Landfilled ton 236,196 267,470 228,633
Disposed in other ways ton 125 32 304
General waste generated ton 21,712,129 19,020,091 19,415,454
Recycled ton 21,433,251 18,727,793 19,184,667
Incinerated ton 49,900 45,485 43,342
Landfilled ton 228,978 246,813 187,445
Disposed in other ways ton 0 0 0
Designated waste generated ton 94,485 96,579 108,491
Recycled ton 76,740 59,344 58,307
Incinerated ton 10,401 16,546 8,691
Landfilled ton 7,219 20,657 41,188
Disposed in other ways ton 125 32 304
Total waste generated intensity (based on crude steel production) ton/ton 0.57 0.56 0.55
Percentage of total waste recycled % 98.6 98.3 98.56

Resource recycling

Resource recycling Unit 2021 2022 2023
Total Blast furnace slag recycled ton 12,441,549 10,283,369 10,441,336
Granulated slag recycled ton 11,454,700 9,422,994 8,902,915
For cement industry ton 11,243,762 9,210,120 8,737,012
For other uses, including fertilizer ton 210,938 212,874 165,903
Air-cooled slag recycled ton 986,849 860,375 1,538,421

Air Pollutants

Air Pollutants Unit 2021 2022 2023
Total emissions of air pollutants ton 61,445 51,806 51,707
NOx ton 35,755 27,877 27,796
SOx ton 25,474 23,750 23,764
Dust ton 216 180 147

Other Environmental Metrics

Other Environmental Metrics Unit 2021 2022 2023
Number of environmental regulation violations case 12 9 12
Number of water quality-related regulation violations case 3 1 2
Number of administrative actions due to violations of environmental regulations and rules case 11 9 12
Administrative fines case 3 1 7
Non-monetary penalties (improvement orders, etc.) case 8 8 2
Number of wastewater-related incidents case 0 0 1
Percentage of zero-emission vehicles owned % 12 21 16
Number of zero-emission vehicles owned Count 71 156 121
Total number of vehicles owned Count 590 751 757

Environmental and Energy Management System

Environmental and Energy Management System Unit 2021 2022 2023
Environmental management system (ISO 14001) certification
Target worksites for certification Count 2 2 2
Worksites with certification Count 2 2 2
Certification rate % 100 100 100
Energy management system (ISO 50001) certification
Target worksites for certification Count 2 2 2
Worksites with certification Count 2 2 2
Certification rate % 100 100 100

Domestic and International Subsidiaries

Financial and Production Information (Consolidated)

Financial and Production Information Unit 2021 2022 2023
Sales (KRW) KRW, million 49,230,094 45,631,2831) 48,170,840
Sales (USD) 2) USD, millions 41,527 36,007 37,360
Crude steel produced kt 42,964 38,635 39,942
Blast furnace/converter kt 40,043 36,285 37,630
Electric arc furnace kt 2,921 2,350 2,312
Percentage from blast furnace/converter % 93.2 93.9 94.2
Percentage from electric arc furnace % 6.8 6.1 5.8
1)Established through split-off from POSCO Holdings on March 1, 2022, and its 2022 sales span 10 months between March and December
2)Data converted into USD were illustrated for global stakeholders, and such data were calculated using the exchange rate as of the last day of each fiscal year.
(2021: USD 1 = KRW 1,185.5, 2022: USD 1 = KRW 1,267.3, 2023: USD 1 = KRW 1,289.4)

GHG Emissions (Consolidated)

GHG Emissions 1) 단위 2021 2022 2023
Direct/indirect emissions (Scope1&2) tCO2e 86,839,473 78,597,749 80,670,542
Direct emissions (Scope1) tCO2e 84,175,763 75,459,988 77,733,232
Indirect emissions (Scope2) tCO2e 2,663,710 3,137,761 2,937,316
Direct/indirect emissions intensity 2)
(Based on crude steel production, Scope 1&2)
tCO2e/ton 2.02 2.03 2.02
1)The 2023 emissions of overseas subsidiaries have not been subject to third-party verification by a GHG verification agency.
2)Rolling mills that do not produce crude steel (POSCO Maharashtra, POSCO Thainox) are excluded

Energy (Consolidated)

Energy Unit 2021 2022 2023
Total energy consumed GJ 421,703,663 375,227,502 399,524,674
Energy directly consumed GJ 400,355,301 350,246,630 376,575,153
Coal GJ 481,616 455,618 578,042
Natural gas GJ 46,499,182 35,806,533 53,490,729
Gasoline (total) GJ 4,587 6,249 7,234
Diesel (total) GJ 350,923 395,479 380,995
LPG(total) GJ 34 30 2,837
Off-gas GJ 353,018,961 313,582,720 319,561,539
Others GJ 0 0 2,553,777
Energy indirectly consumed GJ 21,341,433 24,973,020 22,716,209
Electricity GJ 19,549,609 23,178,662 20,847,918
Steam GJ 1,791,824 1,794,358 1,868,291
Renewable energy consumed GJ 6,928 7,852 233,314
Total energy intensity (based on crude steel production) 1) GJ/ton 9.8 9.7 10.0
Electricity sold GJ 2,910,784 2,925,795 2,914,377
1)Rolling mills that do not produce crude steel (POSCO Maharashtra, POSCO Thainox) are excluded

Water (Consolidated)

Water Unit 2021 2022 2023
Total water withdrawal 1) ton 157,593,396 158,824,531 170,812,894
Municipal water supply ton 9,947,095 9,536,820 12,877,787
Surface water ton 104,544,139 113,129,651 119,787,559
Groundwater ton 6,298,260 3,451,420 4,154,290
Desalinated water ton 7,390,041 3,608,003 5,044,618
Treated municipal wastewater ton 29,413,861 29,098,637 28,948,640
Total water withdrawn from regions with ‘High’ baseline water stress ton - - 89,212,884
Total water withdrawn from regions with ‘Extremely High’ baseline water stress ton - - 0
Total water withdrawn intensity 2) (based on crude steel production) ton/ton 3.7 4.1 4.3
Total water consumed ton 79,035,722 83,411,991 85,469,418
Total water withdrawn from regions with ‘High’ baseline water stress ton - - 43,323,450
Total water withdrawn from regions with ‘Extremely High’ baseline water stress ton - - 0
Total wastewater discharge ton 78,557,674 75,412,540 85,343,476
Reused wastewater ton 49,740,878 46,422,080 42,810,429
Percentage of reused wastewater 3) % 24.0 22.6 20.0
Number of worksites using recycled water Count 5 5 6
1)Data update for 2021 and 2022 (Management criteria change)
2)Rolling mills that do not produce crude steel (POSCO Maharashtra, POSCO Thainox) are excluded.
3)Data adjustment for 2021 and 2022 due to formula change.

Waste (Consolidated)

Waste 1) Unit 2021 2022 2023
Total waste generated ton 23,969,604 21,434,230 21,850,026
Recycled ton 23,654,146 21,085,401 21,529,069
Incinerated ton 64,944 66,795 57,401
Landfilled ton 236,469 267,486 231,224
Disposed in other ways ton 14,045 14,548 32,332
General waste generated ton 23,412,389 20,903,291 21,211,451
Recycled ton 23,130,060 20,607,298 20,965,635
Incinerated ton 53,351 49,180 47,357
Landfilled ton 228,978 246,813 187,480
Disposed in other ways ton - - 10,979
Designated waste generated ton 557,215 530,939 638,574
Recycled ton 524,086 478,103 563,434
Incinerated ton 11,592 17,615 10,045
Landfilled ton 7,492 20,673 43,743
Disposed in other ways ton 14,045 14,548 21,353
Total waste generated intensity (based on crude steel production) 2) ton/ton 0.56 0.55 0.55
Percentage of total waste recycled % 98.68 98.37 98.53
1)Data adjustments for 2021 and 2022 are due to error correction
2)Rolling mills that do not produce crude steel (POSCO Maharashtra, POSCO Thainox) are excluded

Air Pollutants (Consolidated)

Air Pollutants Unit 2021 2022 2023
Total emissions of air pollutants 1) ton 76,865 64,887 65,083
NOx ton 43,121 34,416 34,403
SOx ton 30,974 28,298 28,500
Dust ton 2,770 2,174 2,178
1)POSCO Maharashtra and POSCO Thainox comply with country-specific regulations, but their emissions are measured using concentration standards (ppm) and are therefore not included in the total air pollutant emissions

Environmental and Energy Management System (Consolidated)

Environmental and Energy Management System Unit 2021 2022 2023
Environmental management system (ISO 14001) certification
Target worksites for certification Count 5 5 7
Worksites with certification Count 5 5 7
Certification rate % 100 100 100