


Fair Trade/Anti-Corruption

Fair Trade/Anti-Corruption Unit 2021 2022 2023
Number of employees who completed fair trade
training 1)
Persons 3,136 3,783 3,836
Fair trade law violations
Total number of instances for which fines were incurred for unfair competition and violation of the fair trade compliance Cases 0 0 0
Number of ongoing cases Cases 0 0 0
Number of resolved cases Cases 0 0 0
Total number of instances for which non-monetary sanctions were incurred Cases 0 0 0
Number of ongoing cases Cases 0 0 0
Number of resolved cases Cases 0 0 0
Total monetary value of fines for instances of unfair competition and violation of the fair trade compliance KRW 0 0 0
1) Based on the individual completion of training programs, which may result in double counting the same individuals


Ethics Unit 2021 2022 2023
Number of ethics reports filed Cases 322 403 420
Corruption Cases 107 165 124
Violations of human rights Cases 34 46 68
Abuse of power Cases 19 16 23
Other Cases 162 176 205
Number of resolved ethics reports Cases 322 403 420
Ethics training
Total training hours Hours 36,444 35,198 23,320
Number of participants who completed compulsory ethics training Persons 18,222 17,599 17,490