
Human Rights Management Guidelines

POSCO respects and supports internationally accepted human rights standards, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the UN Global Compact’s Ten Principles, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and the International Labour Organization (ILO) Core Conventions. Every human being has the right to be treated with dignity, which encompasses the rights to life and physical safety, freedom of thought, expression, and religion, freedom of association, work-life balance, privacy protection, food and water security, freedom from torture, slavery, or forced labor, fair and decent working conditions, and non-discrimination

Therefore, since declaring a Code of Ethics that reflects the Human Rights Management Policy in 2003, POSCO has been striving to prevent the infringement on others’ human rights and to take appropriate measures to prevent and resolve negative impact on human rights in the company’s business activities and business relationship processes. POSCO continues to strengthen its commitment to human rights management practices.

Basic Position on Human Rights Management
POSCO takes the following basic position on human rights management to fulfill its responsibility to respect human rights and meet the expectations of its stakeholders.
  • POSCO complies with applicable laws and internationally recognized global human rights standards everywhere it operates.
  • When faced with conflicting regulations in a host country, POSCO seeks ways to comply with global human rights standards.
  • Risks that could lead to severe human rights violations are addressed as material management issues by the company.
Human Rights Due Diligence Process
POSCO conducts human rights due diligence when it deems necessary to identify, prevent, and mitigate negative impacts on human rights and to fulfill its
responsibilities for its activities. This process includes identifying and assessing actual and potential impact on human rights, responding to identified issues, recording response activities, and engaging with relevant stakeholders about how the impact was addressed