Responsible Minerals

    Responsible Minerals Management

    POSCO has developed a Responsible Minerals1) policy and, in conjunction with its with group companies, including POSCO International and POSCO Future M, has established the Group Supply Chain Management Council. This council aims to collectively address and manage risks across the supply chain.

    1)Responsible Minerals: Minerals mined in a socially responsible manner, respecting human rights and the environment, and not financing conflicts.

    POSCO, alongside its supply chain, is implementing a ‘5-Step Supply Chain Responsible Minerals Management’ process based on the OECD Due Diligence Guidance to enforce the responsible minerals policy. In March 2024, for raw materials sourced from 28 countries designated by the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) as 263 Conflict Affected and High-Risk Areas (CAHRA), we assess risks from the supplier registration stage to identify high-risk suppliers (Red Flag) and prevent ethical issues. For high-risk suppliers, we conduct audits through independent third-party agencies to identify and verify potential risks. Additionally, we develop responsible minerals education content to promote the dissemination and implementation of POSCO’s Responsible Minerals Policy across the entire supply chain.

    5-Step Supply Chain Management
    • apply_5
    Conflict Affected and High Risk Areas under Management
    (as of March 2024)
    • danger_map

    Status of Responsible Minerals Usage

    Since 2020, in addition to managing responsible minerals (3TGs) such as tin and tungsten, we have expanded our scope to include cobalt, due to human rights concerns such as child labor employed for mining. As of 2023, all 3TG minerals purchased from CAHRA regions are sourced exclusively from smelters certified by the Responsible Minerals Assurance Program (RMAP).

    • Tin

    • Cobalt

    • Tungsten

    For more detailed information on responsible minerals, please refer to the annual POSCO Responsible Minerals Report.